Sven Grawunder
Prof. Dr. phil.
Sprechzeit: Voranmeldung über das Sekretariat,
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Telefon: 0345 - 55 24462
Fax: 0345 - 55 27053
Zi.-Nr.: 3.32.0
Research Interests
- comparative phonetics and vocal physiology of human primates
- speech, shouting and singing voice quality, incl. phonation types and non-linguistic throat singing, throat games, overtone singing and other [extramodel voices
( ) - modeling language shift and change, especially sound shift and change
- human linguistic & paralinguistic vocal behavior and social hierarchies
Current Projects
- modeling sound change and linguistic contact in languages of the Causasus (espec. Dagestan) [joint work with Michael Daniel (DDL CNRS Lyon / Uni Tübingen), Nina Dobrushina (DDL CNRS Lyon), George Moroz (HSE Moscow ) ]
- phonetics of vocalizations in field data of wild chimpanzees in the Taï forests [joint work with Cathy Crockford (MPI EVA, CNRS Lyon) and Natalie Uomini (MPI EVA)]
- comparative vocal tract and laryngeal anatomy of great apes [joint work with Gottfried Hohmann (MPI EVA), Alexander Stoessel (MPI EVA, Uni Jena) and Ellen Schulz-Kornas (Uni Leipzig)]
- modeling speech behavior in media speech [joint work Neda Mousavi (MLU), Ines Bose (MLU)]
Mousavi, N. and Grawunder, S. (2024). „The influence of signal segmentation methods on rhythm-based speaker recognition“. In Studientexte zur sprachkommunikation: Elektronische sprachsignalverarbeitung 2024, herausgegeben von Timo Baumann, 225–32. TUDpress, Dresden. (DOI )
Wingerath, A. and Grawunder, S. (2023). What is glottal whistle? – Exploring extremly high fundamental frequencies in human vocal production (ID: 841) In: Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 1821–1825). Guarant International, Prague. (PDF )
Mousavi, N. and Grawunder, S. (2023). Persian speaker classification using rhythmic features. In Draxler, C., editor, Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation: Elektronische Sprachsig- nalverarbeitung 2023, pages 194–201. TUDpress, Dresden. (PDF )
Schwarze, C. and Grawunder, S. (2022). Transkription und Annotation gesprochener Sprache und multimodaler Interaktion: Konzepte, Probleme, Lösungen. Narr Francke Attempto Verlag. (DOI )
Grawunder, S., Uomini, N., Samuni, L., Bortolato, T., Girard-Buttoz, C., Wittig, R. and Crockford, C. (2022) Chimpanzee vowel-like sounds and voice quality suggest formant space expansion through the hominoid lineage Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 3772020045520200455 DOI
Winter, B., Oh, G., Hübscher, I., Idemaru, K., Brown, L., Prieto, P. and Grawunder, S. (2021) Rethinking the frequency code: a meta-analytic review of the role of acoustic body size in communicative phenomena Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 3762020040020200400 DOI
Wright, E., Grawunder, S., Ndayishimiye, E., Galbany, J., McFarlin, S., Stoinski, T. and Robbins, M. (2021) Chest beats as an honest signal of body size in male mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei). nature Scientific Reports 11, 6879. DOI
Apel, H., Bose, I., Grawunder, S., Schwenke, A. (2020): Der „Kaiser“ in einer Autobahnbaustelle – Prosodische Markierung von modalisierenden Anführungszeichen in Radionachrichten. In: Imo, W. / Lanwer, J. (eds.): Konstruktionsgrammatik und Prosodie (Reihe Empirische Linguistik, 12). De Gruyter: Berlin u.a., 111-134. DOI
Grawunder, S., Crockford, C., Kalan, A. K., Clay, Z., Stoessel, A., and Hohmann, G. (2019). Response to Garcia and Dunn (No evidence that maximum fundamental frequency reflects selection for signal diminution in bonobos). Current Biology, 29(15): R734–R735. DOI
Isiaka, A., Zintchenko Jurlina, J. and Grawunder, S. (2019). Can formant amplitude differences serve as indicators for L1-effects of ATR in varieties of English in West Africa? In Calhoun, S., Escudero, P., Tabain, M. & Warren, P. (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019, (p. 2353-2357). Canberra, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc.
Grawunder, S., Crockford, C., Clay, Z., Kalan, A. K., Stevens, J. M., Stoessel, A., & Hohmann, G. (2018). Higher fundamental frequency in bonobos is explained by larynx morphology. Current Biology, 28 (20): R1188-R1189. DOI
Seifart, F., Meyer, J., Grawunder, S., & Dentel, L. (2018). Reducing language to rhythm: Amazonian Bora drummed language exploits speech rhythm for long-distance communication. Royal Society Open Science, 5(4): 170354.DOI
Bose, I., Grawunder, S., & Schwarze, C. (2018). Alles RElativ oder relaTIV? Sprachwandel, (Standard-) Aussprache und DaF-Unterricht. In S. M. Moraldo (Ed.), Sprachwandel: Perspektiven für den Unterricht Deutsch als Fremdsprache (pp. 69-114). Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
Asmus, S., & Grawunder, S. (2017). Vowel length in Welsh monosyllables, its interrelation with Irish and other related problems: An acoustic study and its didactic implications. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press.
Grawunder, S., Schwarze, C., & Tworek, A. (2017). Persuasives Handeln im Spannungsfeld von Rhetorik und Phonetik. Studia Linguistica XXXV, Sonderheft.
Grawunder, S., Uomini, N., & Crockford, C. (2017). Phonetische und korpus-linguistische Methoden bei der Analyse vokaler Kommunikation von freilebenden Schimpansen im Tai National Forest. In J. Trouvain (Ed.), Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2017: Tagungsband der 28. Konferenz Saarbrücken (pp. 33-40). Dresden: TUD Press.
Grawunder, S. (2017). The Caucasus. In R. Hickey (Ed.), Handbook of areal linguistics (pp. 356-395). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. DOI
Bose, I., Pospelova, S., Grawunder, S. 2016. Streitspiele deutscher und russischer Vorschulkinder im Vergleich. In: Hirschfeld, U., Lange, F. & Stock, E. (Hg.) Phonetische und rhetorische Aspekte der interkulturellen Kommunikation (Schriften zur Sprechwissenschaft und Phonetik, Bd. 7), Berlin: Frank & Timme, 31-46.
Grawunder, S. (2016). Фонетические характеристики (неназализованных) гласных в бежтинском языке. In: Comrie, B., Khalilov, M., Khalilova, Z. (Hrsg) Грамматика бежтинского языка. Leipzig, Makhachkala: ALEPH.
Grawunder, S. (2015). Von "singenden Neandertalern" und "redenden Affen". Zur Evolution von Singen und Sprechen. In Singen und Sprechen (pp. 11-29). Berlin: Logos Verlag.
Grawunder, S., & Kettel, S. (2015). Anmoderieren/Überleiten/Antexten. Was passiert zwischen Meldung und Bericht in Hörfunknachrichten? SPIEL: eine Zeitschrift zur Medienkultur. Neue Folge, 1(1/2), 151-170.
Grawunder, S., Asmus, S., & Anderson, C. (2015). On the correlation of acoustic vowel and coda duration in Modern Welsh C(C)VC monosyllables. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow: University of Glasgow.
Grawunder, S. (2014). Wie schaukt a Pruag aos? - Stabile phonetische Unterschiede in Wortformen nach Auslautverhärtung in Tirol. In I. Bose, & B. Neuber (Eds.), Sprechwissenschaft: Bestand, Prognose, Perspektive (pp. 209-220). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Grawunder, S., & Golluscio, L. (2014). ¿Lengua o hablante? – Investigando las alternancias coronal-velares en vilela. LIAMES, 14, 41-72.
Grawunder, S., Oertel, M., & Schwarze, C. (2014). Politeness, culture, and speaking task – paralinguistic prosodic behavior of speakers from Austria and Germany. In Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Speech Prosody: Social and Linguistic Speech Prosody (pp. 159-163).
Lancia, L., & Grawunder, S. (2014). Tongue-larynx interactions in the production of word initial laryngealization over different prosodic contexts: A repeated speech experiment. In S. Fuchs, M. Grice, A. Hermes, L. Lancia, & D. Mücke (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP), 5 – 8 May 2014 Cologne, Germany (pp. 241-244).
Roettger, T., Winter, B., Grawunder, S., Kirby, J., & Grice, M. (2014). Assessing incomplete neutralization of final devoicing in German. Journal of Phonetics, 43, 11-25.
Brown, L., Winter, B., Idemaru, K., & Grawunder, S. (2014). Phonetics and politeness: Perceiving Korean honorific and non-honorific speech through phonetic cues. Journal of Pragmatics, 66, 45-60.
Grawunder, S. (2013). Intensity slopes as robust measure for distinguishing glottalic vs pulmonic stop initiation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134(5), 4069-4069.
Grawunder, S., & Hannken-Illjes, K. (2012). Die Kunst im Nicht-Künstlerischen und die Sprechwissenschaft in der GAL - Etwas mehr als ein Tagungsbericht. Sprechen: Zeitschrift für Sprechwiss., Sprechpädagogik, Sprechtherapie, Sprechkunst, 29(53), 33-36.
Grawunder, S. (2012). On the Physiology of Voice Production in South-Siberian Throat singing – Extended Abstract. The Phonetician, 101/102, 25-32. Retrieved from
Winter, B., & Grawunder, S. (2012). The phonetic profile of Korean formal and informal speech registers. Journal of Phonetics, 40(6), 808-815.
Aralova, N., Grawunder, S., & Winter, B. (2011). The Acoustic Correlates of Tongue Root Vowel Harmony in Even (Tungusic). In Wai-Sum, Lee & Eric Zee (Ed.), The 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Vol. 1 (pp. 240-243). Hong Kong: City University.
Grawunder, S. (2011). Die Erforschung des Sprechens mittels Nachrichtenkorpora: die Nachrichtenarche der ARD. In I. Bose, & D. Schwiesau (Eds.), Nachrichten schreiben, sprechen, hören: Forschungen zur Hörverständlichkeit von Radionachrichten (pp. 157-178). Berlin: Frank & Timme.
Grawunder, S., Winter, B., & Atoyebi, J. (2011). Voicing of Labiovelar Stops in Yoruba. In Wai-Sum, Lee & Eric Zee (Ed.), The 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences: Online Proceedings (pp. 767-770).
Rötter, T. B., Grawunder, S., & Winter, B. (2011). The Robustness of Incomplete Neutralization in German. In Wai-Sum, Lee & Eric Zee (Ed.), The 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences: Online Proceedings (pp. 1722-1725). Hong Kong: City University.
Winter, B., & Grawunder, S. (2011). The polite voice in Korean: searching for acoustic correlates of contaymal and panmal. In H.-M. Sohn (Ed.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics. Stanford: CSLI publications.
Grawunder, S., & Winter, B. (2010). Acoustic correlates of politeness: prosodic and voice quality measures in polite and informal speech of Korean and German speakers. In Speech Prosody 2010. Retrieved from
Grawunder, S., Simpson, A., & Khalilov, M. (2010). Phonetic characteristics of ejectives - samples from Caucasian languages. In Susanne Fuchs, Martine Toda, Marzena Żygis (Ed.), Turbulent sounds: an interdisciplinary guide (pp. 209-244). Berlin: De Gruyter.
Grawunder, S., Simpson, A., & Khalilov, M. (2010). Phonetic characteristics of ejectives – samples from Caucasian languages. In S. Fuchs (Ed.), Turbulent sounds: an interdisciplinary guide (pp. 209-244). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Blevins, J., & Grawunder, S. (2009). *KL > TL sound change in Germanic and elsewhere: Descriptions, explanations, and implications. Linguistic Typology, 13(2), 267-303.
Grawunder, S. (2009). On the Physiology of Voice Production in South-Siberian Throat Singing. Berlin: Franke & Timme.
Grawunder, S. (2009). The role of frequency as trigger in contact induced language change. In Proceedings of the International Conference "Teoretičeskie i metodičekie problemy nacional'no-russkogo dvuyazyčia" (pp. 388-392).
Winter, B., & Grawunder, S. (2009). The physics of politeness: approaching politeness from a phonetic perspective. In Proceedings of the 24th Conference of THE ASSOCIATION FOR KOREAN STUDIES IN EUROPE (AKSE) (pp. 200-206).
Grawunder, S. (2008). The phonetic nature of prosodeme qualities in Ket (Yeniseic). In Proceedings of XXV DULZON readings conference '08 (Sravnit'elno-istoričeskoe i tipologičekoe izučenie yazykov i kultur, Sbornik naučnyx trudov kafedry yazykov naradov Sibiri, TOM4) (pp. 223-228).
Grawunder, S., & Bose, I. (2008). Average speaking pitch vs. average speaker fundamental frequency reliability, homogeneity, and self report of listener groups. In P. A. Barbosa (Ed.), Speech Prosody 2008 (pp. 763-766).
Simpson, A., & Grawunder, S. (2008). Intraoral Pressure Variation in Nasal-Plosive and Plosive-Plosive Sequences in German. In R. Sock, S. Fuchs, & Y. Laprie (Eds.), ISSP 2008 Proceedings (pp. 125-128). Strasbourg: INRIA.
Grawunder, S., Bose, I., Hertha, B., Trauselt, F., & Anders, L. C. (2006). Perceptive and acoustic measurement of average speaking pitch of female and male speakers in German radio news. In Interspeech 2006. Bonn: ISCA.
Grawunder, S. (2005). On the physiology of voice production in South-Siberian throat singing. PhD Thesis, Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle.
Grawunder, S. (2003). Comparison of Voice Production Types of Western Overtone Singing and South Siberian Throat Singing. In 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 1698-1702).
Grawunder, S. (2003). Der südsibirische Kehlgesang als Gegenstand phonetischer Untersuchungen. In E. M. Krech, & E. Stock (Eds.), Gegenstandsauffassung und aktuelle Forschungen der halleschen Sprechwissenschaft (pp. 53-91). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Grawunder, S. (1999). Die Erforschung eines besonderen Stimmgebrauchs - Obertongesang versus Kehlgesang. Diploma Thesis, Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle.
- since 05/2022 professor of speech science and phonetics at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
- 10/2018-04/2022 professor of phonetics and language documentation at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
- since 1/2018 guest researcher at the department of Human Behavior, Ecology and Culture
- 10/2016-9/2018 lecturer at the linguistics department of Kiel University (CAU)
- 6/2015-12/2017 guest researcher at the primatology department of MPI EVA
- 08/2009 - 5/2015 research fellow (scientist) at the linguistics department of MPI EVA Leipzig
- 2010 guest at Research training group GRK DFG 1624/1 "Frequency effects in language"
- 2008-2009 guest researcher at the linguistics department of MPI EVA Leipzig
- 2005-2008 postdoctoral researcher at the linguistics department of MPI EVA Leipzig
- 2005 PhD in Speech Science at Halle University
- 2000-2004 team member of the ALTAI-SAYAN-LANGUAGE-and-ETHNOGRAPHY-PROJECT[ASLEP (TOFA)] a DOBES Project funded by Volkswagen-Stiftung and hosted at MPI EVAN Leipzig
- 2000-2004 research associate at Institute for Speech Science and Phonetics, Halle University
- 1999-2000 study of Medical Physics at Halle University
- 1999 diploma in speech science at Halle University
- 1998-1999 therapist work as speech pathologist/therapist
- 1992-1993 civilian service at the clinics for Otorhinolaryngology, Halle University
- 1990-1999 study of Speech Science, Phonetics, German Linguistics, Japanology at Halle University and Netherlands Studies and Central Asian Studies at Leipzig University